Monday, August 17, 2009

Welcome to Intermedia II

Welcome to the blog for Intermedia II, Fall 2009.


Attendance is required. Students may be absent for any reason or no reason TWICE during the semester. Any absences beyond the second will result in a grade reduction, excepting extreme and documented circumstances to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. An unexplained habit of late arrival or early departure will also result in a grade reduction. Late creative projects and written work will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Student work completed in this course will be archived by the Intermedia program and the instructor and may be used for documentation, demonstration, and promotional purposes.


Grades will be awarded on an A to F scale, including plus and minus. Each project will receive a letter grade in addition to verbal critique in class. All students must meet with the instructor and teaching assistant at midterm to discuss progress in the course to date and to receive a midterm grade. Students are also welcome to contact the instructor at any time to learn how they are doing in the course. In this course, letter grades mean the following:

A+/ A / A- Superior accomplishment
B+/ B / B- Above average achievement
C+/ C / C- Average work
D+/ D/ D- Below average performance
F Failure to meet basic course requirements


All students will complete the following coursework, with approximate grade weighting:

Creative Projects: 50% of final grade

Creative projects in Intermedia II are driven by theme, not medium. In other words, you will be asked find a solution to the assignment in the form and material of your choice while keeping in mind that some forms and materials may be more suited to certain thematic investigations than others. The themes to be explored in the course are as follows:
  • The Everyday (10% of final grade)
  • The Archive (20% of final grade)
  • The Cinematic (20% of final grade)

Verbal Participation: 25%
Given the structure of the class, active participation in discussion and critique is vital. Students must share their thoughts generously, respectfully, and frequently in order to earn a top grade in the course.
Blog Research: 15%
Several students each week will be responsible for posting original research to the class blog. Exhibitions, projects, artists, essays, films, architecture, art reviews, books, magazines, websites--all are welcome additions to this online resource. Whatever the content, all posts must include some original text that introduces, summarizes, reviews, or explains why this particular piece of culture was singled out to be shared. Each student must post a minimum of three times, though more is encouraged. At least two of the minimum three posts should relate to the class’s current thematic unit. Students will sign up for their three weeks on the first day of class.

In-class Activities and Professional Development: 10%

Periodic in-class activities will reinforce course themes, reflect on the readings, or provide an opportunity to build technical and problem-solving skills. In addition, all students will write an artist’s statement. These exercises will graded and are collectively worth 10% of your semester grade. No make up work will be offered.

In addition to the above requirements, all students must participate in Open House and submit a digital portfolio of their creative projects during finals week. Failure to participate in Open House or submit a portfolio will result automatically in a failing grade in the course.

Texts & Materials

There is no required text for this course; readings will be distributed as photocopies, pdfs, and web links as assigned.

There is a $30 course fee to cover the cost of maintenance for lab software and a limited range of equipment available for checkout from the Intermedia Equipment Pool. Students are expected to acquire any additional supplies their work requires.

Experimentation with different materials is encouraged, but students must exercise good judgement. Due to the communal space of the Studio Arts Building, the use of solvents, spray paint or any fume producing chemical is prohibited. Guns, blood, bodily fluids, live animals, smoke, fire, alcohol, and broken television tubes (which contain lead) are absolutely prohibited. Be aware of the toxicity of your materials and consult with the instructor in advance if you are uncertain about the safety of a material.


As an intermediate level course, Intermedia II is designed to bridge between the form-specific assignments of Intermedia I (e.g. sound, video, performance) and the self-initiated projects of the BFA degree. While still offered guidance as to theme and exposed to a wide range of contemporary practice, students have much more latitude to develop their own formal and conceptual concerns. This structure demands that everyone - students and instructor alike - be exceptionally resourceful, cooperative, respectful, and well-prepared while also willing to take intellectual and creative risks. Students are expected to make a serious, sustained commitment to individual and group research, discussion, and production over the course of the entire semester. Because instructional staff cannot anticipate the technical needs of everyone in the class, students must show an exceptional level of initiative to acquire the skills and materials they need to develop their practice. Much as artists in the so-called real world must beg, borrow and barter, students may find themselves relying on the skills and connections of their friends and should educate themselves about resources available on campus and in the community, As per CLAS guidelines, coursework should demand about twelve hours of attention outside of class meeting times.

For our part, the instructional staff will introduce contemporary concepts, connect students with resources, and provide access to and instruction for general media art technologies. We expect to be consistently challenged to expand our knowledge and deepen our understanding of contemporary and media art over the course of the semester. We pledge to personalize each student’s experience of the course by forwarding information, articles, and announcements, returning email within 24 hours (excepting weekends), and meeting with students outside of class and office hours when necessary for discussion and technical assistance.

Course Structure

This course is planned around three themes in contemporary art that are explored through both studio and seminar work. In general, the Tuesday class meeting will be spent in seminar pursuits: discussing readings, viewing artworks, and exploring concepts. Thursday class meetings will often have a studio or lab component and be led by the teaching assistant. Critiques will take place on both days.

There will be three creative assignments offered this semester, corresponding to the following three themes: The Everyday, The Archive, and The Cinematic. All students are required to complete at least two of the three assignments and may substitute a self-initiated project for either of the first two projects, if desired. All students will bring three projects to completion for critique, and all students must complete the Archive project.

Reading and research are important parts of contemporary artistic practice; students are expected not merely to do ALL the assigned reading but to be actively engaged in original, independent and supplemental research. The class blog is a forum for demonstrating and sharing this research; time will be scheduled each week to present projects, exhibitions, texts and artists first posted to the blog.

From time to time, there will be in-class activities to teach skills or reinforce course themes. These in-class activities will be graded. Full participation is expected, and no make-up opportunities will be provided to those who may have been absent for any reason.

Course & Instructor Information

01J:091:001: Intermedia II
1719 Studio Arts
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 12:30-3:20 PM
Instructor: Sarah Kanouse
1642 Studio Arts
319-384-0992 (email preferred)
Mondays, 12:00-3:00 PM and by appointment

Teaching Assistant: Katie Hargrave
Office TBA
Office hours by appointment

DEO: John Scott
School of Art & Art History
Seashore Hall, 6th Floor
The administrative home of this course is the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

Goals and Objectives

  • Explore major themes in contemporary art through reading critical texts, viewing significant artworks, and creating original projects.
  • Understand and employ research in the production of creative work.
  • Enhance the capacity to critically examine and discuss one’s own work and that of others.
  • Demonstrate the technical facility and craft mastery necessary to successfully communicate concept.
  • Build the conceptual, aesthetic, organizational and technical skills necessary for a self-directed creative practice.

Course Description

This course is designed to help students build a self-directed studio practice in intermedia, time-based media, and the digital arts. Major themes in contemporary creative practice are explored through readings, viewings, and the creation of original projects. Students will broaden and deepen conceptual and technology skills introduced in Intermedia I and increase the scale, ambition, and finish of their creative works. Enrollment in this course is encouraged for students who plan to apply for the BFA degree with an emphasis in Intermedia.