Monday, August 17, 2009

Course Structure

This course is planned around three themes in contemporary art that are explored through both studio and seminar work. In general, the Tuesday class meeting will be spent in seminar pursuits: discussing readings, viewing artworks, and exploring concepts. Thursday class meetings will often have a studio or lab component and be led by the teaching assistant. Critiques will take place on both days.

There will be three creative assignments offered this semester, corresponding to the following three themes: The Everyday, The Archive, and The Cinematic. All students are required to complete at least two of the three assignments and may substitute a self-initiated project for either of the first two projects, if desired. All students will bring three projects to completion for critique, and all students must complete the Archive project.

Reading and research are important parts of contemporary artistic practice; students are expected not merely to do ALL the assigned reading but to be actively engaged in original, independent and supplemental research. The class blog is a forum for demonstrating and sharing this research; time will be scheduled each week to present projects, exhibitions, texts and artists first posted to the blog.

From time to time, there will be in-class activities to teach skills or reinforce course themes. These in-class activities will be graded. Full participation is expected, and no make-up opportunities will be provided to those who may have been absent for any reason.

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