Monday, August 17, 2009


As an intermediate level course, Intermedia II is designed to bridge between the form-specific assignments of Intermedia I (e.g. sound, video, performance) and the self-initiated projects of the BFA degree. While still offered guidance as to theme and exposed to a wide range of contemporary practice, students have much more latitude to develop their own formal and conceptual concerns. This structure demands that everyone - students and instructor alike - be exceptionally resourceful, cooperative, respectful, and well-prepared while also willing to take intellectual and creative risks. Students are expected to make a serious, sustained commitment to individual and group research, discussion, and production over the course of the entire semester. Because instructional staff cannot anticipate the technical needs of everyone in the class, students must show an exceptional level of initiative to acquire the skills and materials they need to develop their practice. Much as artists in the so-called real world must beg, borrow and barter, students may find themselves relying on the skills and connections of their friends and should educate themselves about resources available on campus and in the community, As per CLAS guidelines, coursework should demand about twelve hours of attention outside of class meeting times.

For our part, the instructional staff will introduce contemporary concepts, connect students with resources, and provide access to and instruction for general media art technologies. We expect to be consistently challenged to expand our knowledge and deepen our understanding of contemporary and media art over the course of the semester. We pledge to personalize each student’s experience of the course by forwarding information, articles, and announcements, returning email within 24 hours (excepting weekends), and meeting with students outside of class and office hours when necessary for discussion and technical assistance.

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